65 (2023) is an action adventure movie directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods. It deals with an astronaut that lands on a planet filled with dinosaurs. Below is my short movie review for 65 (2023) movie review
For a movie about dinosaurs this movie comes off as really boring. Not sure how that happens but here we are. One of the things that should have been done better is to introduce more characters. They can be used as bait and killed off to show how dangerous the dinosaurs are. We instead get two main characters that will obviously survive. The little girl just seems like she was inserted in the movie for no reason. She was not bad but the lack of conversation between her and the guy prevented us from truly getting to know them and caring about their situation.
Another thing that could have been done better are the dinosaurs. On one hand they look great. On the other they are introduced with jump scares and look rather odd. The director seems to want to have dinosaurs that are both similar to ones on Earth but also alien looking. Again, they are fine but every bit of suspense is crushed knowing they will not kill anybody. The movie is Rated R – give us carnage and gore. These are creatures of immense strength and yet they can’t catch, eat or injure simple humans. Right…
The fact that this movie is very futuristic does not come into play much. I was hoping to see the main character use his gadgets against the dinosaurs but he rarely does. By the end, the amount of ingenuity he goes through to escape is mind boggling. He is crafty, yes. However this is a whole new level of crafty.
Whether you like it or not there are also a few scenes in here that are nostalgic of Jurassic Park. It seems like this is inevitable at this point and has to be included every time dinosaurs appear. Whether that is dinosaur footprints in the mud or T-rex appearing by a jumpscare behind a waterfall, the movie just had to include it. It did not bother me but I had to say it.
Overall the movie was not bad necessarily, just more boring than a dinosaur movie should be. It has Adam Driver being all over the place in his acting. He is a dramatic actor and here he is just going by the flow and having a tough time finding his emotions as he is rescuing a little girl that is similar to his daughter. The dinosaurs sometimes look OK while other times they look laughably bad. The ending is so unbelievable that it might ruin the whole movie for a lot of people. With that in mind, the movie is OK but it could have been done much better.
Thanks for reading my short movie review for 65 (2023) movie review