The Wrath of Becky (2023) is a revenge thriller movie directed by Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote. The sequel deals with a girl going on a revenge when her dog gets taken by a group that is known as a terrorist cell. Below is my Wrath of Becky (2023) movie review

This movie plays everything as safe as it can. It does not try to stand out or do anything surprising. It is a play by play revenge story that we have seen many times before. After a group of people attack and take her dog, a young girl goes after them. Oh and they are a domestic terrorist group. There is not much to them either. Only about four of them get killed and the kills were not really memorable at all. The leader gets killed in the most boring way possible. He says two sentences and dies. No action or fighting, just drops dead.

Before we are introduced to the terrorists, there was only one other kill in a movie that is about 90 min long. The terrorists start getting killed about 1hr into the movie. The rest is talking and one member intimidating others while the girl runs around their house. Anyway, before she gets to their house, it seems like she is different from the first movie. She imagines grizzly death scenes towards those that inconvenience her in the slightest. She has a lot of anger issues and hates everybody around her. I get it, she is a teenager. I just think she is also a psychopath. 

In terms of action, with the limited amount there is, it is just OK. Kills were pretty bloody, but there was a lack of them. You have a big terrorist cell and you only kill 4 of them? Makes no sense. Sequels should be bloodier and more insane than the first movie but this one just does not run with it. This is weird as the most famous pic of the movie is Becky’s face covered with blood. 

The characters, while somewhat unique, were pretty dumb. They make stupid mistakes and act like they don’t have many rational thoughts in their head. They are going against a little girl and are a terrorist cell that have MANY guns in their house. I get it, they don’t want to make a lot of noise, but they end up doing it by the end of the movie anyway. Nothing about their actions surprised me or made me think this movie will be added to my rewatchable list. 

Overall the original was good. This movie is quite boring and never tries to do anything new. It was not bad, but it can be compared to many other movies that remain forgotten. 

Thanks for reading my Wrath of Becky (2023) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews