Christmas Bloody Christmas is a 2022 Christmas horror movie directed by Joe Begos. It deals with two people partying during Christmas Eve only to discover a robotic Santa is going around killing people.
When the movie begins we see two people working in a record store. They are discussing plans for Christmas Eve as well as discussing their relationships. Some of it is crass but they are young people with undeniable sexual tension. They are also discussing music and the best songs out there for each artist. This goes on forever. As they go from place to place, they keep discussing music, how they will not sleep with each other and they eventually end up going down on each other.
Meanwhile we have a robotic Santa Claus that goes on a rampage and starts to kill people. Each one of the kills is brutal and bloody. By the end of the movie, this Santa truly shows us how menacing it is as he loses his limbs and still keeps going. For the budget they had, this was done really well. Keep in mind this is not Terminator level effects, but it is not crappy either.
Where the problem arises is with the characters. A lot of people pointed out that the main characters are extremely unlikable. The girl (played by Riley Dandy) is especially annoying. Besides he saying the “fuck” word in every sentence, she is also very unlikable overall. Every other word is the “f” word and all she does for most of the movie is drink and swear. At the end she starts to think on her feet and fights back but by that point it might not be enough to redeem her character. Besides her we got some typical dumb cops but they are somewhat likable. It’s obvious they are there just to raise body count.
This is a movie with shallow characters, robotic Santa bent on killing as many people as he encounters, and some cheesy, bloody mayhem. Chances are that if you are watching this movie, you just want to see some decent Christmas kills. Don’t think about it too much – turn your brain off and have some fun.