Out of Darkness (2022) is a horror movie directed by Andrew Cumming. It deals with a bunch of people during the Old Stone Age that are hunted by a malevolent being. Below is my Out of Darkness (2022) movie review

Out of Darkness (2022) movie poster

First of all, this movie looks great. The scenery and the overall setting at wide spans of fields give it a nice and dark atmosphere. It looks gloomy and overall creepy which goes hand to hand with the overall feeling of something being out there and even following the group. There are not a lot of different settings. Most of it takes place in fields and caves. The group speaks a strange language (made up for the movie) which is used extensively throughout the movie to discuss their food situation, what to do next, and even lack of leadership from the male lead that could get them killed. 

As for action, there is not much to it. It is very limited and it is not memorable or exciting in any way. There is a scene where the group finds a stripped mammoth carcass, but nothing is done with it. We don’t see how the animal died or who killed it. Instead we get a lot of shocked faces at what could have done such a thing. That is also something that is seen throughout the movie. People are surprised at a lot of things but we don’t get to see anything too surprising. 

The ending of the movie is very predictable. Most likely what you think is behind the creepy things happening to the group, is exactly what is doing it. While this is grounded in reality,the whole movie seems to hint that it is something more sinister. The group tries to act like it is still something unbelievably surprising but the reveal is not all that surprising. The cast also doesn’t do much throughout the movie. They basically talk a lot and they do a lot of walking. This makes it hard for us, the audience, to keep watching. There is a hint of group struggle, but that is not enough to keep our interest. 

With all that in mind, this is not a bad movie. This is the type of movie that had a great ambition, good concept, and a unique setting. However, what it chose to do with that is bare minimum. We don’t get much action, or hunting scenes, or even any animals roaming by. We just have a group of people talking a strange language and being pursued by a being that is not as dangerous as they made it out to be. The ending is very lackluster and that says something considering the movie is 90 min long. 

The setting, the acting, and the overall cinematography are great. It is a shame that these characters did not have much to do. It is a boring movie that is not memorable. That is a shame considering the movie takes place 43,000 B.C.E. 

Thanks for reading my Out of Darkness (2022) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews