The Beekeeper is a 2024 action movie directed by David Ayer. It deals with a man going on a revenge trip after his friend gets scammed by an evil organization. Below is my The Beekeeper (2024) movie review
Jason Statham is one of those actors that is very much typecast. He is always a badass who fights for the little guys and gets revenge for those hurt. This movie is another one of those movies. That is not to say it is bad, but the audience knows what to expect. Unfortunately, while there is a decent amount of action, there are also A LOT of scenes that are either boring or drag on. The audience really does not care for the bland FBI agents or scammers.
Speaking of that, one of the most boring and incompetent people here is Agent Verona Parker. I did not for a second take her seriously. She is rude, annoying, and pretty much useless throughout the movie. Parker does not do much and I don’t remember a single scene where she even fired her gun. She probably did but I don’t remember it happening. Her partner is also useless but he at least had a personality. However, their scenes together were not fun or exciting. They were there to cover the run time of the movie and not much else.
The problem is that the majority of the movie is surrounding the characters. A lot of the FBI make stupid mistakes and do things that don’t seem to be the best of decisions. The scam call center people are also cartoonishly bad. Not that they are dark, but their acting can be over the top. Not that this was bad, just odd. It did not ruin the movie for me, but it was weird to see it. This is a very much movie similar to John Wick where a guy goes on a revenge spree, killing wave after wave of the worst of the worst killers until he gets to the main bad guy.
However, the action is pretty good. Jason Stahan is 56 years old and in great shape. He kicks a lot of ass and he is pretty brutal at it. This aspect is the only thing that the majority of reviews praise but some are also disappointed that there is not enough of it. I can’t say I disagree but I also understand that no movie will have 100% action as that is pretty unrealistic and really hard to film.
Overall the movie is pretty fun. Statham does a great job with all the action scenes and his presence is something that most people praised. However, on the other hand, there is a ton of talking among characters that we don’t care about, and it slows the movie down quite a lot each time it is presented on screen. That is not to say that this movie should be skipped as the action gets pretty gnarly towards the end.
Thanks for watching my The Beekeeper (2024) movie review