Cellar Door (2024) is a thriller movie directed by Vaughn Stein. Looking for a new start a couple is given a house with a catch that they can’t open a cellar door. Below is my short Cellar Door (2024) movie review

The movie starts off with a happy couple that go through a traumatic event. They decide to move somewhere else to start a new life and hopefully move past this event. From that point they meet a very charismatic man who decides to gift them a house. The house is perfect in every way, but it has a cellar door that they are not allowed to open. If they do, the house goes back to the owner. You can imagine how many times the couple argue about it throughout the movie. 

This movie is about 90 min long and for the majority of it, the above description sums it up. Towards the end some things starts to happen with a small twist thrown at us at the end. This twist is mediocre at best assuming you are a frequent movie watcher. The director plays it very safe. He does not try anything different. There is no thrill moments, no scares, and no big reveals. The actual cellar is both a center of attention and a back burner plot point. By the end nothing about it is revealed. Some things are implied, but nothing was truly revealed. 

One would say that maybe it is good that the movie leaves it to us to interpret what the cellar represents. However, if you don’t reveal anything about it, our mind tends to go in many different directions. What does the cellar represent? Is it supernatural? If something evil is in there, why not reallocate it and not have a random family potentially call the police on the owner? Reveal something. I sat through a boring 90 min movie with zero payoff. I honestly could not care if the man had a thing with somebody else at work. That is not exciting and there is no thrill there.

If you find a movie with very little violence, full of relationship arguments, and a cellar door that just sits there with no payoff is exciting, this movie is for you. The acting is solid and the cinematography is good, but the story is a wasted potential. I just can’t find a movie with dinner parties turning awkward to be very fun. I also don’t care about the work drama this movie throws at us. Also, like I said, I feel the director thought the twist is crazy but we have seen it a million times before. Sure it’s a twist, but not a good one. It did not even get an eyebrow raise for me, much less a gasp. 

P.S. The movie is called Cellar door but the movie is not even about it. The tag on the poster is full of lies as it is not revealed what’s behind it.

Thanks for reading my short Cellar Door (2024) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews