Oh boy, here we go. 6 Underground is a 2019 Netflix original movie starring Ryan Reynolds and five other people. It deals with people who leave their past behind in order to focus on stopping a crime that could have a major world impact. My 6 Underground (2019) movie review goes more into the Bay-ness of the movie.
From the first minute, this movie jumps into action compete with some forgettable characters, jokes that not funny (almost juvenile), weird angles, cursing, slow motion (for no reason) and of course, explosions. If you didn’t know, these are staples of Michael Bay (of Bad Boys and Transformers fame). The man knows how to direct good explosions, but this is just one aspect of a good action movies. Everything explodes in this movie so I guess he got that front covered. Everything else that should have complemented the movie is horrendous. We have characters that are stupidly boring, action that is hacked to bits (edit every three seconds), and dialogue that is not funny and tries too hard to be taken seriously. Combine all of this and you have a movie that requires you to turn off your brain to enjoy it.
Ryan Reynolds is the star, the attraction, and the anchor that holds this cast together. He cracks a lot of jokes (seems to still be in his Deadpool phase). He doesn’t do anything crazy or memorable, but he does have good looks and a charming smile. I guess that is good enough…plus he has a lot of money. I am not sure if he was or the actual movie was meant to be taken seriously because it starts off with a crazy Italy chase.
Lots of yelling, car action, slow motion, and dumb humor and yet it later focuses on refugee camp being destroyed. It keeps flipping back and forth between jokes and “emotional” scenes to horrible stuff and people being killed left and right. This doesn’t appeal to everyone but the movie is set up that it almost guarantees Netflix will make a sequel. Milk that cow till it’s dead.
There is a lot wrong in this movie – from inconsistent acting, action cut to bits, really bad dialogue, even worse humor, product placement, location goofs, characters who are boring (how’s that possible when they are basically almost outcasts?) and expensive set pieces all scream Michael Bay. People like to call his movies dumb yet they go and see them in theaters. Just remember that Transformers alone made over 1 billion. This is a prime example of a movie that should not be taken seriously. It is dumb and sometimes fun if you are drunk and don’t focus on many, MANY, inconsistencies in it. So smoke some weed if your state legalized it and enjoy this stupid action packed riot of a movie.
Thanks for reading my 6 Underground (2019) movie review