A Quiet Place: Day One is a 2024 horror movie directed by Michael Sarnoski. The movie deals with a woman stuck in NYC during an invasion by aliens with sensitive hearing. Below is my A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) movie review

In the beginning we meet Sam (played by Lupita Nyong’o) who is battling cancer. She goes on a trip to NYC and wants to get a slice of pizza when an alien invasion starts. The aliens have super sensitive hearing and will kill anybody who makes noise. Everything Same communicates with others is based on non-verbal cues. This was well established and was well represented in a large city such as NYC. To make a city such as NYC quiet was quite surreal. That is coming from somebody who lived there. 

When the aliens attack, there is a lot of noise and screaming coming from every direction. It is quite surreal and intense. However, after the invasion quiets down (get it?), the story focuses on our main character. She is on a quest to get her pizza. This would have been fine, but this character has no connection to the first two movies. We have never met her or have anything to care about her. DOn’t get me wrong, she is nice and sympathetic, but she does not connect to the other stories. The monsters take a back seat even though this movie is supposed to be about their origin. I don’t want everything to be revealed, but we don’t get anything new revealed about them. 

This movie felt like a giant cash crab. They wanted to cash in on the “A Quiet Name” name. Nothing new was revealed about the creatures. They all looked the same and the ending left nothing to be explored in the next movies. There was no mystery, no intrigue, no cliffhangers, nothing. The alien attacks after the initial invasion were very rare with the focus being on the two main characters and the cat. Both were good characters and did a solid job with what was given to them. I was very surprised that the cat survived and was quiet the entire time. No cat would do that, especially with so many loud booms and strange aliens walking around. The cat did not Meow or hiss at all. Even during the water scenes, it was as calm as it can be. 

This movie is a huge example of wasted opportunity. Nothing was explained or set up for future movies. I have no intention to see future movies, which I assume will be coming in no time. The movie looked great and some of the scenes with aliens were intense and great looking. However, as mentioned they are put on the back burner for a story about a woman with cancer who has a cat and wants to get some pizza. Also, just about everything was revealed in the trailers.

There were no twists, or some big bosses, or even small misdirections. In fact, not sure if this is an indicator of anything, but at multiple points in the movies, I looked around in the theater and multiple people were browsing their phones. Many scenes felt drowned out but the movie was not necessarily boring. Just needed more monsters and info about their origin. 

Thanks for reading my A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews