Apostle is a 2018 Netflix movie directed by Gareth Evans. It centers around a man trying to find his sister on an island of a religious cult. Apostle (2018) movie review

Apostle (2018) movie poster

People in this community coexist with each other by helping each other with various tasks and praying to a goddess that blesses the land and keeps them going forward. However, as with many cults, there is always one or more bad apples among the rest of the people in the community. 

When we are introduced to the main character, he is trying to blend in among the new arrivals. As the time progresses, he starts snooping around in order to uncover any clues to the whereabouts of his sister. This is when things go from bad to worse. 

With a passage of time, the leaders of the community become desperate to locate a spy among them. As their desperation increases, so does paranoia and accusation. Blood starts to be spilled and people start to disappear. This makes the entire community uneasy as nobody knows how to fix it. Eventually all hell breaks loose as we discover what is really behind the survival of the island. 

There is a good amount of blood and torture throughout the movie. Torture is kept off screen but there are gory scenes of the aftermath of it. As people start to turn on each other, more and more people start to disappear. If there is one thing that can be said, it would be that the director is not afraid to kill any characters, especially good ones that we are rooting for. It’s a refreshing new take on our expectations which many directors tend to be afraid to do. There are certain expectations that they need to abide by because we, the audience, are counting on it. This is why it is unusual and surprising when we see those expectations crushed by those who are not afraid to be different. 

It is very hard not to compare this movie to the original The Wicker man due to the supernatural elements. That, as well as this mysterious settlement that hoards a lt of secrets. It doesn’t go beyond the isolation factor and Pagan religion worshipping an unusual deity. The scenery is fantastic, presenting this feeling of isolation and uncertainty. The whole village has been replicated to capture the look of the time and the people are all dressed in period appropriate clothing. It shows dedication and a strive to be as authentic as possible. 

Many people have complained that this movie is slow, which it is. It takes its sweet time to develop characters and show people’s motivations. It also takes time to show main character’s struggles, and progress the story in a way that touches upon all of these aspects by the time the movie is over. However, the main characters are likable and the villains are bad enough that you will not mind the slow pace of the movie. It is shot well with a compelling narrative that will keep you on the edge of your toes. Well worth a watch if you are not squeamish when it comes to gore and blood. 

This movie is currently available for streaming on Netflix and not available for purchase on Amazon.

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Categories: Movie Reviews