Black Cab is a 2024 horror movie written by Virginia Gilbert. It is directed by Bruce Goodison and revolves around a couple who find themselves taking a ride with a creepy taxi driver who has a disturbing secret. Below is my Black Cab (2024) movie review

Black Cab (2024) movie poster

At the beginning of the movie things start off fine. We are introduced to a couple with relationship issues that are driven home by a taxi driver who is very creepy. He asks personal questions and has some temper issues. He also  very quickly turns into a creep that wants things done his way. Nothing about his character is original. Even he has relationship issues that seem to translate to how he treats other people. 

Anyway, pretty fast he turns into a complete creep who kidnaps the couple. From this point on is when the movie dives into a cliche territory. It plays it very safe and everything from the couple trying to get the attention of other people to them looking into overpowering him is on display here. The story also has a ghost subplot but it is not a very interesting one. A girl haunts a lonely road that is dark, foggy, and overall creepy. Never seen that before….

With that in mind, this movie does not know what to focus on. It takes us on a ride that feels more like a circle around a block. Lots of things are left unanswered and the ride felt like it was not the fare. However, there are a bunch of scenes that are very atmospheric, especially when the driver gets closer to his residency. The road he takes is dark and atmospheric, which really adds to the overall creepy scenery. The problem is that the movie does not know whether this creepy ghost story subplot is better than the kidnapping plot that can’t stand on its legs. In the end they both lack any meaningful substance and are ultimately forgettable. 

While this movie is fine on its own, it lacks a meaningful direction that makes it very boring. That is hard to say for me as I am a huge Nick Frost. Him and Simon Pegg are one of my favorite movie duos. He is not bad in this movie. It is the fact that he is not given much to work with and ends up being forgettable. The ending is nothing surprising. We already know that the driver is creepy – does it surprise you if he does something creepy at the end? To me it was very forgettable. The movie was cheap to make so that is why Shudder made it. 

Thanks for reading my Black Cab (2024) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews