Cocaine Bear (2023) is a thriller comedy movie directed by Elizabeth Banks. It deals with a bunch of people trying to get back their cocaine when they encounter a bear who ate the drugs and is not on a bloody rampage. Below is my Cocaine Bear (2023) movie review

Cocaine Bear (2023) movie review

This was a really fun and dumb movie. 

When the movie starts we are introduced to a wide range of characters. These range from kids to drug dealers to first rangers. All of them eventually cross paths in one way or another. However in the beginning the audience just wants the movie to get to the bear and see him go on a crazy rampage. He is shown here and there but not too much to build up some mystique around it. 

Once the people congregate in the forest the rampage starts. The bear, while CGI (and in some shots really badly) really does go on a bloody carnage run. While not every attack is shown in all the glory there is enough there to satisfy most people. We see him attack people and drag them away and then we see bloody aftermath. We also see stuff like bloody bodies as well as body parts like arms thrown off and tossed around. 

Besides the violence (and much of it is comedic) the movie itself has some decent jokes. Most of the cast is really silly and comedic. They jab at each other and even joke around once they encounter the bear. One of the scenes is a bear passing out on a man and others just joking with a man under the bear. This is forgetting the fact that a giant bear would crush you if it passes out on you. Still, it’s not too dumb but it still has some really corny moments. 

There is another scene where a bear does a line of coke off of a severed leg. That is the type of humor the movie embraces and runs away with. It is not to be taken seriously and it never takes itself seriously. A big thing that works well for the movie is the characters. They are not too dumb and the acting is overall decent. Most movies of this nature would have horrible acting but this one does not. The characters are very animated and a bit over the top, but not annoying. 

Overall the movie works because it does not take itself seriously. While I did watch it close to an empty theater, the movie did make a good amount of money. This most likely will spring a bunch of other “animals-on-drugs” movies. This is something I am 100% ok with. 

Thanks for reading my Cocaine Bear (2023) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews