Crawlspace (2022) is a thriller movie directed by L. Gustavo Cooper. It deals with a maintenance worker who gets stuck in a crawlspace while above him in a house are criminals looking for money. Below is my Crawlspace (2022) movie review

In many ways this movie is cliche. It has a struggling but good father, a devoted father and loving wife, a gang of criminals after money, big dumb criminals, etc. With that in mind it makes it hard to see how the movie could keep it fresh. By keeping it simple it does not try too hard to stand out. It has a very simple premise and it runs with it. 

In the beginning we see a man struggling to pay his bills but at the same time not trying to step on the toes of those who are also struggling. After going on a job he finds himself trapped in a crawlspace while two criminals try to talk him into handing out the money found in the crawlspace. From this point the story is standard with all of the characters trying to sweet talk each other in making a deal. 

As the man moves around in the crawlspace he starts to poke through the floors and manages to hurt criminals in some ways. A lot of it is very bloody and uncomfortable to watch. Think of screws going into toes. There is a good amount of bloody violence shown here to keep us interested. The rest of the movie is about criminals not believing the main character and vice versa. Meanwhile the man tries to use his handyman skills to hurt the criminals. 

In the end the movie ends like you think it will. There are some betrayals, bag guys get their comeuppance, and a good guy wins the battle. I hope this is not a spoiler. I am just stating how these types of movies tend to end. Since this particular movie kept it safe for most of the movie, you can imagine why the ending is pretty standard. 

The movie is pretty short (90 min with credits). In the movie, most of it is spent with criminals and the good guy talking to each other through the floor. They try to find out where they are so they can hurt each other. However this is one of those types where the timid hero decides to stand up for himself. He is literally pushed up and cornered in a place where he knows he can only fight. Him thinking on his feet made it a fun watch IMO. 

The movie never felt like it was dragging on. It gets to the point and gets to it fast. It introduces all the important characters fast and it does not really go into their backgrounds. We also don’t see much about the main character feeling like he wants to give up. He knows he is trapped and he very quickly tries different things to get an advantage. He is also a good person so we want him to win. 

Anyway, the movie is not perfect. It is a fun little thriller movie that takes place in a crawlspace. Goes by very fast and it never drags on. It has a decent amount of violence and blood, but not too much. Not for everyone but a fun movie on a boring day. 

Thanks for reading my my Crawlspace (2022) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews