Day Shift is a 2022 vampire horror movie directed by J.J Perry and starring Jamie Foxx. The movie deals with a hard working dad who kills vampires in secret. Below is my short Day Shift (2022) movie review
When we meet Jamie Foxx’s character, he is a good guy who works hard to provide for his daughter. We find out that he kills vampires in secret, which brings him extra cash. However, it soon becomes obvious that his hustle would require him to become part of a union that will net him more money. After that things start to become crazy and a lot of action is thrown into our face.
In the first part of the movie, the movie plays it safe and goes over the good guys, bad guys, has some jokes, gore, and a bunch of gags. It’s a mix of fun and action. The grandma fight was really fun as the person in make-up was contorting around and smashing every piece of furniture that she was thrown at. She is one of the people who were hired from Cirque du Soleil. This was a way for the movie producers to offer them jobs during Covid-19. The entire time they were moving around it was really eerie how their body was able to flex.
In the 2nd half of the movie, the atmosphere becomes more serious but also comedic when Foxx’s character is paired up with Dave Franco’s character. Personally I did not like Franco’s character. He is way too goofy and silly and he has a recurring gag where he pees his pants. He is one of those “I used to be an office worker, but now I have to go into the field and get my hands dirty” character. All he does is whine, quote regulations and question Foxx’s judgment. However later in the movie he becomes alright. He is helpful and overall less annoying.
The ending fight is well done with everybody flying around and getting hurt. The movie is not really scary but blends comedy and action while also throwing in a bunch of blood. The vampires are well done with makeup being top notch. The characters themselves are pretty cliche and offer nothing new to the movie. However, making the movie villain a real estate agent/buyer was pretty funny.
This is a fun movie where comedy and action is decently mixed together. Sure some jokes don’t land as well as one hopes but that gives it that awkward charm. The movie is currently on Netflix (US).
Thanks for reading my Day Shift (2022) movie review