Death of Me (2020) is a horror movie directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. It stars Maggie Q as Chrsitine and Luke Hemsworth as Neil. The movie is about a couple vacationing in Thailand who start to get weird visions as they try to escape. Below is my Death of Me (2020) movie review 

Death of Me (2020) movie poster

The movie starts promisingly where a couple wakes up and watches a video of one of them killing the other. Naturally they start arguing and set on solving the mystery. However as they start to ask more and more questions, the weirder their experience becomes. It also becomes clear that the locals are hiding something and are not willing to talk to the tourists. So far the story is intriguing and set up nicely for some spooky events to take place. However, this is where the movie starts to drag. 

Throughout the entire film, there are four themes that are repeated over and over again. These are weird visions, feeling sick, running around the island, and Christine trying to communicate with locals. These themes are repeated even after Christine clearly sees that none of them helps her. While she is desperate and scared, she is also not stupid and should be able to compose herself and try to think clearly. That is not what she does. It is apparent by this point that the filmmakers were running out of ideas and couldn’t think much for her to do. 

The whole idea of tourists being stuck on a paradise island and things going wrong is not new. However, this movie had a lot of promise. It captured the audience’s attention but chose to play it safe by throwing at us things that we have seen plenty of times. This in turn made it bland and forgettable. Maggie Q and Luke Hemsworth are clearly carrying the movie and doing their best with what they were given. However, there is no way to make looking confused and disoriented unique if you have to do it ten times in the movie. 

The movie is full of visions, mistrust, and yelling. This formula is repeated time after time and it gets boring in no time. What does help is the fact that the movie was completely shot in Thailand. There are some great shots of the place but most are saturated or color coded that makes it look bleak and depressing. There are also some creepy moments that main characters experience through their hallucinations. However, one could argue it was not enough to stick with seasoned horror fans. Non-horror fans would find the movie creepy and worth a watch since it is decently shot. The ending, while weak, is also good enough for regular movie fans. 

Thanks for reading my Death of Me (2020) movie review 

Categories: Movie Reviews