Free fire is a movie that should have been good but turned into a repetitive mess that never seems to pick up or go in a satisfying direction. Free Fire (2016) movie review

Free Fire (2016) movie poster

When the movie opens we get a scene of a deal going bad which should have been more exciting but ends up just being a match of shouting profanities and finger pointing. This would be fine if it wasn’t the most exciting part of the entire movie. From this point on we have a bunch of people in a big warehouse shouting at each other. They are making dumb jokes, and shooting at each other. As they run out of bullets they move around but it never becomes suspenseful or different from what we saw. It’s also a mixed bag in a sense as we don’t know whether to laugh or feel bad. It makes it hard to enjoy the movie in my opinion. 

Constantly firing at each other is not really fun. These characters are not fun and don’t come off as likable in any way. They have some motivations here and there but most are focused on getting money and getting away. IMO I couldn’t care who lives or who dies in the movie. This is why I couldn’t even find the shootouts exciting. All the characters seem to be scumbags in one way or another. It becomes boring to even pretend to be invested in their story. It also becomes pointless for the audience to care if nobody in the movie is a good person or has any developed motivations besides money. 

In terms of diploid, it ranges from passable humor to downright cringy attempt at being funny. All the characters yell at each other in order to intimidate each other and have them give up their location. This would be fine but then they start blindly shooting at each other. (keep in mind ammo is scarce). They proceed to drag each other around. This is understandable but the audience doesn’t find it interesting to see characters crawling around in dust and shouting profanities at each other. As humor is subjective I won’t say much about it. I didn’t like it and find the jokes to be passable at best but I will leave that to others to judge and agree/disagree with me. 

In summary, with passable humor and boring shootout as well as some awful dialogue, this movie was really boring. It felt much longer than it is and it is very surprising to see it extend past 45 min. It felt like the director didn’t know what to do so he said “shoot at each other but this time try to do it from behind that box instead of that wall”. That’s different”. As a huge fan of A24 films, this was a big miss and I regret sitting through this snooze fest. Even the freaking ending is boring and depressing. 

Thanks for reading my Free Fire (2016) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews