Girl (2020) is a thriller movie written and directed by Chad Faust. It deals with a woman returning home to exact revenge on her father, but gets involved in a corrupt law enforcement of a small town. It stars Bella Thorne (as Girl) and Mickey Rourke (as Sheriff). Below is my Girl (2020) movie review
Girl is a terrible movie. No other way to say it but just about everything is awful. There is not a lot going on. Of those things that are happening, none of it is exciting in any way. There is a lot of talking, a lot of brooding, and no action. Well there is some action but it is not fun or exciting. On top of that the “action” is cut every two seconds so it comes off as shaky and disorrenting.
For the majority of the movie, the girl just goes around from one location to another and broods. She looks mad for the majority of the movie and all of the interactions she has with other characters come off as bitchy. To a certain extent her background explains her brooding, but it is not fun to watch our main character act bitchy for the majority of the movie. It also doesn’t help that the dialogue and the overall writing in the movie is terrible. It seems very scattered and nonsensical.
Now let us talk about acting. Thorne’s acting is awful. Combine that with bad dialogue and the interactions with all the characters is all over the place. She starts off her delivery in a constant tone and then it fizzles out by the end of the sentence. When she cries it comes off as squeaky and it is almost laughable. It is not consistent at all. When you combine her voice, her delivery, her bitch face, you have a really unlikable character. We want to root for her, but she is not giving us much to like about her.
In terms of action, there is none. There are some quick flights that are cut into pieces but they are not memorable at all. You also have two villian characters that are not intimidating at all yet everybody in the town fears them. It seems like two guys are terrorizing entire town and apparently nobody wants to stand up to them. They also go down with zero fight. There is also no blood, no gore, no death scenes that are in any way different than your typical movie. Most of the action is very tame and not suspenseful at all.
This is a movie about a girl with a hatchet that she rarely uses. I can’t even say it had any potential as the premise of the movie is really boring. Just a bunch of family drama that could not be less interesting for the audience to watch unfold. The girl also doesn’t seem like she changed much throughout the movie. She did not grow. She basically found out more info about her dad and most of it was surprising to her, not the audience.
From boring premise, boring action, boring story, to boring dialogue, this movie is BORING. It seems slow yet the entire movie is about 90 (with credits). It is very consistent and it never builds up. The ending is also very lackluster and the “action’ during the finale is over in about 2 min. The lead is boring and bitchy, but if this appeals to you, the movie would be a blast. Also Rourke is awful too. It seems like he is not even trying. You can clearly see he can’t wait to cash in his check. Overall the movie is a mess and not recommended.
Thanks for reading my Girl (2020) movie review