Husk (2011) is a horror movie directed by Brett Simmons. It deals with a bunch of young people getting stranded after hitting a crow on a long road trip. They then encounter a scarecrow in a corn field who stalks them. Below is my Husk (2011) movie review

In terms of premises, this movie is as simple as it gets. People get stranded while a scarecrow comes to life and starts to go after them. The characters are nothing special. They bicker between each other and it also appears some had a bad history with others. They are also the typical bunch – a jock, a hot girl, meek guy and average dude. There is nothing interesting about them and they have no history that will make one actually care about them. At least that is how I felt. 

When they get stranded on a long road, they go into a corn field next to it and find a house that seems abandoned. It is rundown and almost seems completely abandoned. However, the house has a connection to the scarecrow that comes alive in the field. The rest of the movie is mainly revolving with the characters either disappearing or trying to find out what is hunting them. Again, this is not bad in any sense. It just does not come out as fun. 

Husk (2011) movie poster

The movie really likes to stick to the cliches and overly used settings. We have seen adults getting picked off one by one in a cornfield plenty of times. Cornfield or similar setting to it. There are also a lot of jump scares that were not as overplayed as they are in today’s horror movies. That is not to say that all scenes were cliche. Some genuinely had suspense and were done decently well. The performance and acting was surprisingly good. Not Oscar worthy but better than many horror movies of this caliber tend to have. 

Besides the setting and the genetic character, there are more cliches here. These characters don’t make any smart moves. They split up, they run into situations without thinking how dangerous it is, and they act as if warning signs are checkpoints. One could say this is part of it being a horror movie but it gets annoying pretty fast. 

Another thing that I could say was decent was the possession angle. It was not too great but it was different. As for the special effect, it was all over the place. The whole scarecrow idea was cool but many times the kills were really shaky/blurry for us to get a good look at it. This is usually done to hide bad special effects which are typically attributed to low budget. 

With all of that in mind, the movie is not bad overall. However it could have been much stronger with a bit more polishing. In terms of horror movies, it is short and decent. 

Thanks for reading my Husk (2011) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews