It’s a Wonderful Knife (2023) is a horror movie directed by Tyler Maclntyre. It deals with a girl who saves her town from a killer only to wish to wish she was never born. She is transported to that parallel universe and has to find a way back. 

It's a Wonderful Knife (2023) movie poster

The movie started off well where we are introduced to a bunch of characters and told about their lives. Once we are introduced to the killer, we get some sense of how menacing he is as he goes after the main characters. However, after he is killed the story takes a weird turn and transports us into an alternative universe where things are not as they seem. Things are bleak, people are sad, and the overall atmosphere is dark. 

One thing that stands out here, for better or worse, are the characters. Most of them are really boring and uninspired. There are quite a few cliches here too such as weird girls, mean jocks, etc. Oh and the weird girl is literally called “the Weirdo”. There are also a lot of LGBT characters here who kiss on camera. Just wanted to mention that as this movie deals with inclusivity quite a lot. We know most of these people are here to be killed, so they are not given much to say or do. 

In terms of kills, they are underwhelming. While they are bloody, most are stabbings that are not shown in detail. For example, a stab to the throat would be shown in a few seconds but turned away as the knife is about to penetrate the skin. Then they would quickly show the aftermath. A bunch of other people die but we are not really attached to them. We know they will die so the suspense is minimal or nonexistent. The kills are also not scary. We see them coming a mile away and they are also accompanied by loud booms that makes them less scary IMO. 

Overall the movie is boring, has a lot of uninteresting characters, and a good amount of gory kills. The movie is very inclusive and has a good amount of queer characters and even has some that are directly affecting the main story. A good amount of these aspects is already spoiled in the trailers for the movie. 

With that in mind, the characters were boring and even the main character was not given a lot to do. She did her best but at the end the movie ended up being filled to the brim with cliches. It is very predictable and at times very boring. It was not badly made, but it does not stand out to me. 

Categories: Movie Reviews