Leave the World Behind (2023) is a thriller/mystery movie directed by Sam Esmail. It deals with a family who experience a cyberattack during their vacation. Below is my short Leave the World Behind (2023) movie review

Leave the World Behind (2023) movie poster

At first the movie was very intriguing. It deals with a family on a luxurious vacation who experience a cyberattack and find a stranger at their front steps. Soon enough they start going against each other and sowing the seeds of mistrust. On top of this their communication with outside world becomes non-existent as they try to figure out what is going on. Lots of theorizing but they don’t know anything for sure. 

There are a few creepy scenes but nothing too surprising. Animals acting weirdly, people acting weirdly, natural being weird, etc. However these scenes are far inbetween. They are not surprising, but put in to have “something” happen that makes the audience less bored. However, as a representative of the audience, I was bored out of my mind. There are a TON of useless scenes that don’t add anything to the overall story. 

What really destroys this movie is the fact that it is really boring. Director tried to build something up throughout the movie only to completely abandon it by the end of it. You would think there is something big making people paranoid and then BAM! It ends with people having coffee and discussing the weather. True ending is different but not by much. This is a movie that has a a TON of talking (mostly useless sh*t). It has breakfast scenes, dancing scenes, pool scenes, staring into nature scenes, etc. Again, most of it does not end up anywhere. 

This is a movie that starts off well and fizzles out to nothing by the end. The characters are very boring (especially Julia Roberts), the action is nonexistent, the mystery was there but quickly left, and the setting is just OK. Did the director forget to film the rest? It feels like a pilot for a TV show. But it feels like a VERY slow burn. This is also a movie with a lot of plot holes. Maybe more than one can stand. No movie is perfect but so many scenes here are bizarre but not in a good way. 

This is one movie on Netflix (US) that you should not watch. Lots of useless scenes and 2hrs of my life that I can’t get back. I am just glad I watched it on the airplane. 

Thanks for reading my Leave the World Behind (2023) movie review

Happy New Year! 2024

Categories: Movie Reviews