Let us Prey is a 2014 British/Irish co-production horror movie directed by Brian O’Malley and starring Liam Cunningham as a mysterious stranger Six and Pollyanna McIntosh as a rookie PC. Rachel Heggie. Let Us Prey (2014) movie review

Let Us Prey (2014) movie poster

The movie revolves around a bunch of police officers that have a tall mysterious guy walk into their station and slowly make each one of them lose their minds by making them face their horrendous past. The problem with this movie is not that it is but, but that everyone in it is a horrible person. You got nobody to root for because they’ll have done terrible things in life and found a way to run from them. The only person who is somewhat sympathetic is the rookie police officer Heggie. However, she is good by default so it doesn’t make her much of an interesting character. 

Anyway, when a stranger arrives, not much happens. The police officers are focused on giving the rookie cop hard time. She tries her best to keep it together and ignore their taunting. She had a tough life so she is trying to move on and be something in life. Not long after this, things start to feel odd. The people in the jail cells start to lose it and all the fingers seem to be focused on the tall stranger who didn’t say a word when he arrived at the police station. However, he seems to know quite a lot about the people in the jails and the rookie cop. He keeps it all mysterious while slowly driving people to either confess their sins or off themselves. 

Throughout the movie, we are shows glimpses of the characters and the things they have committed. They can be quite graphic with a lot of blood and gore sprinkled throughout the scenes. Its shows as a way to incorporate shock value and tell us these people are bad. However, after that we have no reason to like these characters so they don’t serve much of a purpose besides getting killed. They are there to showcast beatings, attempted murders, tortures, hit and run murders, and overall depravity that our world is full of. 

The acting and the overall pacing of the movie is on point. The violence, while gruesome at times is well done and has the feel of a much larger production. Again, if you hate the rookie cop, you will not have a single other character to root for. It just sounds stupid to hae one character carry the story. However, Cunningham’s character is by far the best in the entire movie. He is menacing without saying much and he is decently developed throughout the movie. The cinematography is good too with a lot of colors depicting gold and bluish hues thrown in to complement the chaos and bloody gore sprinkled towards the end of the movie. 

The movie obviously has a big religious context so if you don’t mind that, it is fun to watch it. The people are bad but there is always an exception. Get ready to get your soul judged! 

Thanks for reading my Let Us Prey (2014) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews