While a lot of the shows that Netflix come out with are a big hit or miss, this one, titled “Love, Death & Robots” is highly entertaining series of animated shorts ranging from 5 min to about 16 min each. It has a great mix of science fiction, fantasy, horror, comedy, and drama. These are short description of all the segments. Love, Death & Robots (2019) TV show review

Love, Death & Robots (2019) TV show  poster

“Sonnie’s Edge”: In the underground world of “beastie” fights, Sonnie is unbeatable — as long as she keeps her edge. – This one has a good action scene where two beasties go against each other. It is well done and highly entertaining to watch. 

“Three Robots”: Long after the fall of humanity, three robots embark on a sightseeing tour of a post-apocalyptic city. – The robots joke around and question why humans used to be stupid yet they get thwarted by adorable creatures. The robots are a mix between sarcastic tin cans and bewildering marvels

“The Witness”: After seeing a brutal murder, a woman flees from the killer through the streets of a surreal city. – This one has a unique animation, almost minimalistic, which sets it apart. NOTE: In this segment the woman runs around naked with many scenes showing her breasts and pubic region. 

“Suits”: A community of farmers use their homemade mechs to defend their families from an alien invasion. – This one is straight out of Disney. The animation is great but the ending is a bit predictable. It is one of my favorite segments. 

“Sucker of Souls”: Unleashed by an archaeological dig, a bloodthirsty demon battles a team of mercenaries armed with … cats? – Also has a unique animation and lots of blood. 

“When The Yogurt Took Over”: After scientists accidentally breed super-intelligent yogurt, it soon hungers for world domination. – This one was weird in a good way. Yogurt becomes intelligent and dupes us humans. 

“Aquila Rift”: Awakening after traveling light years off course, a ship’s crew struggles to discover just how far they’ve come. – Not much happens in this one but it has a small twist. Not much memorable about it. 

“Good Hunting”: The son of a spirit hunter forges a bond with a shape-shifting huli jing. – The animation in this one is smooth. The machines the character is shown to be building were very detailed, almost Ghibli studios detailed. 

“The Dump”: Ugly Dave calls the garbage dump home, and he’s not about to let some city slicker take it away from him. – This one is a mix of Disney animation with a lot more shots of male nudity. Lots of details but as predictable as it gets. 

“Shape-Shifters”: Deep in Afghanistan, two Marines with supernatural powers face a threat from one of their own kind. – This one looks like it came from a PS4 game cutscene. However, 

the battle between the beast was bloody and absolutely insane. 

“Helping Hand”: Stranded in orbit, an astronaut must choose between life and limb before her oxygen runs out. – Lots of tension and the limb scene is absolutely disgusting…which is a statement coming from a horror movie fan. 

“Fish Night”: After their car breaks down in the desert, two salesmen take a dreamlike voyage to the dawn of time. – think of your wildest drug hallucinations and you’ll come a bit close to what is shown here. Another fantastic animation segment. 

“Lucky 13”: After the drop-ship Lucky 13 lost two crews, no pilot would fly her … but rookies don’t get a choice. – This one was well done.

“Zima Blue”: The renowned artist Zima recounts his mysterious past and rise to fame before unveiling his final work. – Out of all of these, this one is most unique. The ending was not worth the journey and the legs on these people freaked me out. 

“Blind Spot”: A gang of cyborg thieves stage a high-speed heist of a heavily armored convoy. – Just mehh. 

“Ice Age”: A young couple moves into an apartment and finds a lost civilization inside their antique freezer. – The only segment with humans and animations. The ending was not satisfactory but it was interesting. 

“Alternate Histories”: Want to see Hitler die in a variety of comically fantastic ways? Now you can. Welcome to Multiversity! – Very minimalistic animation (reminds me of educational animation or even South Park). Lots of hilarious scenarios and lots of nudity. 

“Secret War”: Elite units of the Red Army fight an unholy evil deep in the ancient forests of Siberia. – One of my favorite ones and again, this one also looks like a high quality PS4 game animation. 

Highly entertaining and recommended for everyone. 

Thanks for reading my Love, Death & Robots (2019) TV show review

Categories: Movie Reviews