Loving Adults is a 2022 Netflix movie directed by Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg. The movie centers around a rich couple who are having some marital problems that turn deadly. Below is my Loving Adults (2022) movie review
The whole premise of the movie has been done countless times. This movie tries to stand out by having few twists and turns sprinkled throughout. However where it lacks is the characters themselves. They are not interesting or entertaining in any way. The two main ones are horrible people so it is hard to root for them. Everybody else around them are also entangled in some type of crime so they are not any better either.
Another thing that the movie lacked is a good ending that is not too predictable. It seems like everything was building for a big reveal but the ending ran out of steam and decided to play it safe. By playing it safe, it becomes just another love affair movie that will not be either rewatchable or memorable. The way it ended it also does not feel like it is worth the watch. You expect certain people to die or have something happen to them that would show karma in effect, but nope.
The movie is told from the perspective of a detective as he is reciting it to his daughter. She keeps asking him questions as he recites all of the big events that the main characters go through. This helps him bounce back ideas that possibly help him figure out what happened at the end. I really didn’t care much for this as I did not find it very useful or interesting. It also helped to bloat the movie and make it stretch to almost 2 hrs.
In terms of action there is not much of it in this movie. This movie is similar to an erotic thriller that is more character driven than anything else. It is similar to movies such as Fatal Attraction (1987), just not as good. A lot of movies of this nature are very predictable as many affairs in them turn violent/murderous.You know somebody will end up dead, just might not be able to pinpoint that one exact person.
Either way, this movie is not bad. The acting is pretty good while the story is OK but not as tight as one hoped it would be. The twists and turns are predictable but they are not necessarily bad. Where the movie drags and suffers is the ending which is very predictable. The characters, while talented, were not interesting and are not good people overall. It might not ruin your experience when watching the movie, but that doesn’t mean the movie will be memorable.
Thanks for reading my Loving Adults (2022) movie review