M3GAN (2022) is a thriller movie directed by Gerard Johnstone. It deals with a robotics engineer that builds a girl robot that begins to be self aware. Below is my review of M3GAN (2022) movie review

M3GAN (2022) movie poster

Before we are introduced to M3GAN, the story is standard with a girl losing her parents and overall being down and lost. We are then introduced to M3GAN who at first comes off as supportive and exactly what the little girl needed. She supports her, plays with her, talks to her, and teaches her things. At the same time she is learning and becoming more possessive. 

As the time passes, M3GAN seems to become more unhinged. She is very protective and eventually starts to kill other people that she finds to be a threat. During this time the company behind her is trying to release M3GAN to the public after seeing how great she interacts with humans. The pontiac to make money here is huge even though there are a lot of issues that need to be fixed before official launch. 

The movie serves as a reminder how reliant we are on technology and what happens when it goes awry and is uncontrollable. It seems apt in our modern world as we are increasingly reliant on technology and soon on AI. Everything in our homes is listening to us and is looking to make profit from our conversations on our needs and wants. While M3GAN takes it a step too far, one can imagine that technology will one day be this advanced and eventually become a little too aware of its existence. 

If there is one thing that I could complain about is the PG-13 rating. If we have a killer doll and everything is subdued, there is no point. We want the robot to go nuts and start killing everybody. If you have a wild concept, one should run with that. If you have off screen or just being implied violence, have the robot hurt people to teach them a lesson not become totally psychotic. I do get the appeal for PG-13 to grab more people but such absurd concepts should be more geared toward adults. 

In the movie there are plenty of creepy scenes. From M3GAN looking away and not having emotions, to her dancing, to her walking on all fours, plenty to go around. It is a shame the violence is toned down as both of those combinations go hand to hand. There apparently is an Unrated cut that is more violent but the movie should have been released like that. It made plenty of money that guarantees a sequel but hopefully we will see a more violent one. 

Overall the movie is really good. We have a creepy doll, great acting, and overall solid script. Where it lacks is violence. Such a concept needs to run free and be as wild as possible. Having a killer robot that is only implied it kills is rather useless. There is also a social commentary on our reliance on technology. Every day we come one step closer to this reality and people, especially the younger generation, couldn’t care less. It is sad, but the movie is good haha. Go see it. 

Thanks for reading my M3GAN (2022) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews