Mayhem (2017) is a comedy horror movie directed by Joe Lynch. It stars Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving. The movie revolves around an airborne virus that makes people act upon their worst impulses. Below is my Mayhem (2017) movie review

Mayhem (2017) movie poster

The majority of the movie takes place in an office building. It is filled with both likable and unlikable characters as well as those who will crush everyone to get to the top. When a virus gets around that lets people act upon their id, all hell breaks loose. People kill each other, attack each other and even have sex with each other. All rules go out the window as everyone runs from each other and tries not to become the next victim. 

What is interesting is that the virus doesn’t seem to go after average employees, but targets people in power who are used to crushing the little guy. This is when we are introduced to Yeun’s and Weaving’s characters. Both are down on their luck in some way and are constantly pushed down by those on top. Once the virus emerges, they decide to take things into their hands and go after those who made their lives miserable. A lot of people seemed to be in their way but they always seem to go around them and keep moving up. 

While not scary in a general sense, the movie is still really brutal and bloody. All bets are off as they are locked in together and forced to go against each other. Weaving and Yeun have great chemistry as they go from one floor to the next. They always seem to be on the same page and help each other whenever they can. There was also a sex scene between them which was completely pointless. Either have it the proper way with nudity or don’t show it at all. 

The nice thing about this movie for me is that it is somewhat realistic. We all had coworkers we didn’t like that we would like to smack them. Maybe not kill them but definitely shut them up. The movie obviously goes way beyond that but it shows anger and frustration that a lot of us feel, especially those in the corporate world. Similar to the Belko Experiment, the movie is very stylish with good amount of violence and gore thrown in to truly express what happens when one goes off rails against their coworkers. 

Overall a fun movie with a fun cast that looked like they were enjoying every minute of it. Lots of people get stabbed and killed in decently creative ways. The movie was overall well done and definitely worth a watch for those who enjoy comedic and violent movies. 

Thanks for reading my Mayhem (2017) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews