Revenge (2017) is a French revenge movie directed by Coralie Fargeat and starring Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz and Kevin Janssens. Revenge (2017) movie review

Revenge (2017) movie poster

The entire movie revolves around Matilda’s character Jen who fights for her survival after her boyfriend’s friends show up and get into a bit too much into trouble when Richard (Kevin’s character) steps out to run a chore. 

While the premise has been done before, this movie stands out due to its cinematography, solid acting, and bloody violence. (so much of it that the director has stated that they frequently ran out of it during filming). There were a lot of instances in the movie where one might question character’s survivability due to insane amount of blood being spilled. It makes us question the characters actions and the ability to keep going even through there is no food or water around. However, this aspect of revenge movies can be found in many films throughout the cinema history. 

The bad guys in the movie are not really smart but they are not overly dumb. They make calculated moves but tend to be clumsy and cocky which leads to their demise. Not a lot of characters are killed but existing ones are very persistent, which makes them memorable in a way. It takes a while for them to be put down. Jen’s character is also very tenacious and she goes through this transformation of a girl who is beautiful and has it all to a killer who demonstrates a will to survive and has plenty of battle scars to show her persistence.

She doesn’t have any lines after the 30 minute mark which is when things really turn ugly. A lot of her moves are slow and rational as if she is baiting the bad guys. She is hiding around the corner despite them not knowing if she even survived. The whole idea of her taking her time to get her revenge is quite interesting. It made it a lot more satisfying at the end. 

Throughout the movie Jen walks around in her underwear and bra with the camera very focused on her ass. On the other hand, there is is also some male nudity in the movie. (mainly ass shots, but there is few frontal shots). At one point the male character is completely nude. He runs around the house that seems to have every corner covered with blood. It’s highly entertaining to watch. 

As other have mentioned, if you like I Spit On Your Grave, Ichi The Killer, Martyrs, and Irreversible, this movie will be a blast for you. However, if you don’t like graphic violence and gore (seriously, the glass scene made ME cringe and I absolutely love gory movies), than I would stay away from this movie and not touch it with a ten foot pole. 

Thanks for reading my Revenge (2017) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews