See for Me (2022) is a thriller movie directed by Randall Okita. It stars a young blind woman who takes a cat sitting job and finds herself surrounded by a trio of robbers. She ends up needing to fight them. Below is my short See for Me (2022) movie review.
When we are introduced to our protagonist Sophie (Skyler Davenport), she comes off as extremely unlikable. She pushes those who want to help her. It appears the writer wanted to show her as more independent rather than damsel in distress. The problem is even though she needs help unlocking her door, she snaps at the person helping her. This person is using the “See for me” app that lets people help those who can’t see. This plays a huge part in the movie’s plot.
As she tries to get acquainted with the house, a trio of thieves break in and go after the safe. She quickly turns to her app to help her navigate the dark house and escape the criminals in the house. The movie basically becomes a game of cat and mouse as she runs around in a giant house. She had no time to get to know the big house so everything is new and scary for her.
The biggest issue as already mentioned is the main character. She is very unlikable. It is not Davenport’s fault as she did a good job with what she is given. She is also legally blind in real life so she did a great job capturing a character with a disability. As she navigates through a big house, we can’t help but feel sorry for her. She is in a strange environment where she has many disadvantages. Her phone is the only advantage but that is also turned into disadvantage as it can run out of power.
In the end, the movie is average. We have seen better ones such as Hush. The main character is annoying and unlikable. It is hard to root for her even when she is put into a tough situation. The story is very cliche and pretty quickly turns into a standard thriller. You know what will happen and you go for the ride anyway. The setting is good as the house is big enough to sneak around and use as a hiding spot.
Go watch Hush (2016) or Don’t Breathe (2016) for a much better experience.
Thanks for reading my See for Me (2022) movie review