Storage 24 is a 2012 horror/sci-fi movie directed by Johannes Roberts. The story deals with a bunch of people stuck in a storage unit with an alien going after them. Below is my short Storage 24 (2012) movie review 

This is one of those movies that does not take itself seriously. The alien is well done walking on stilts that makes it appear very big. The setting is very boring as every storage unit is the same, just has different boxes in them. The characters are some of the worst ones I have ever seen. Some used to date, some betrayed others, and all are very uninteresting. The betrayal was so easy to predict that it made the characters even more boring. 

The dialogue is nothing special. Most deals with talking about how to escape or why the characters are splitting up. There is also a comedic character in his robes but I think he was trying a little too hard. He came off as more cartoony than comedic. Thes rest of the characters (and there are about 5 in total) are bland and uninteresting. Basically there to be killed off. Don’t worry, their acting is nothing special. 

As for the alien, it looked weird but in a good way. It was imposing and had a unique design (think of a lot of spikes). Movie also had some decent kills but they were very limited. The cinematography is very bland as it is hard to make storage lockers an interesting setting. They don’t find anything unique in the lockers to use against the alien. The ending itself is just as predictable as you would imagine. 

This is one of those turn your brain off to watch movies. There is nothing too interesting in it and the characters are not great. However the few kills and the look of the alien is pretty good. It looks imposing but the attacks are not great as moving through the hallway of the storage lockers is not easy for such a big guy. The ending is predictable but ok. The characters are extremely boring but they do a solid job with what they were given. 

Thanks for reading my Storage 24 (2012) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews