Sweetheart is a 2019 American survival horror film directed by J. D. Dillard. It revolves around a woman who is stranded on an island, only to realize that there is a creature that is also on it. My Sweetheart (2019) movie review is below
In my opinion, this is not a good movie. After Jenn (played by Kiersey Clemons) gets stranded on the island, she spends most of the time (and I mean most) going around and trying to construct some type of shelter. There is not much happening for most of the movie besides that and her trying to get some food (and zero dialogue). Not until about 1hr into the movie do we get to see a monster that comes from the water. Its reveal is kind of cool so I was hoping to see some cool action afterwards. That was not what happened.
Panicking as anybody would, Jenn tries to do her best to hide and wait out the evening so she can think more about it in the morning. However, the monster is not shown much at the beginning. Think of it as us looking at a dark silhouette of something bigger than a human being that growls. After it is introduced, we see its legs a lot and again more of a blurred version of it. Why was it not featured more as there are a good amount of shots that are practical rather than CGI?
Speaking of CGI, when the monster has to jump real quick into the water, the CGI is used heavily.. When there is a fight or “action” scene, most of it is done with a tall dude in a suit. As Jenn tries to figure out how to fight it, two new characters are introduced. Try to figure out how Lucas is related to Jenn, I think you will be surprised by the revelation.
They are not interesting or helpful in any way, but the last part can be attributed to Jenn saying “there is a monster on this island” and thinking they will take her seriously. It is a staple of many horror movies, and by now it is considered ultra cliche. Anyway, they are there so the monster can munch on them. Also, what was the deal with finding blood on a knife and in a raft? Was that significant in any way?
The movie is not really bad, just boring. When you have a monster movie that spends ⅔ of its runtime introducing us to a character that is not really interesting in any way, you have a bored audience. The acting is OK, the action, if anything can be considered action is also just OK. The whole movie can be summed up as just being OK, with nothing really standing out as being memorable. The only thing I see as being memorable was the water scene with the monster. Also, the movie doesn’t explain the monster at all so don’t expect to find out where it came from.
Thanks for reading my Sweetheart (2019) movie review