Sympathy for the Devil is a 2023 thriller movie directed by Yuval Adler. It deals with a man who gets forced to be a man wielding a gun. Below is my Sympathy for the Devil (2023) movie review
If the premise of the movie did not hook you, then the entire movie will be extremely boring. After a man gets a gun shoved into his face he quickly realizes that the red haired man in the passenger seat is very serious. All he wants him to do is drive to a specific location, but things get heated up once the driver realizes he might not live through the night. On top of this his wife is going into labor and he does his best not to freak out.
For the majority of the movie, the two men go from one place to another. The driver tries his best to get the attention of other people but realizes that any wrong move could mean the death of those people. This is very evident in the restaurant they stop at to get a bite. The driver could have saved a lot of people by just saying “I am who you think I am”. He knew he probably would not live through the night anyway.
As for the rest of the movie, it was really boring. The two men go against each other and reveal some personal info but it is all useless. The driver’s background is extremely boring and predictable. The other man’s background is even more predictable and boring. By the end I couldn’t care less about either one of them. I just want it to be over. One of the final scenes was so predictable I literally rolled my eyes knowing this is the best the filmmaker could come up with.
As for the action, while limited, it was good. A decent amount of blood too. Nicholas Cage gives us a good amount of freakouts where he is yelling for no reason. He also looks like he is really slumming it for that paycheck. In some scenes he looks like he is having fun while in others he looks bored out of his mind. Joel Kinnaman also looks confused most of the time. He was not bad, just had very limited expressions due to the average script.
At the end, the movie was not bad, just boring. A lot of the scenes were well shot and the chemistry between two leads was decent. However the fact that the script was so average the characters did not have much to do. They talk in the car, go to a new place, and leave. Rinse and repeat. Might be simplifying it but that is how it felt. Just seeing the two actors who are pretty good actors overall talking back and forth was very boring.
Thanks for reading my Sympathy for the Devil (2023) movie review
Do yourself a afavor and watch Collateral (2004)