Thanksgiving is a 2023 horror movie directed by Eli Roth. It deals with a killer being active during Thanksgiving weekend. Honestly I can’t even make it “sound” exciting. Below is review of my Thanksgiving (2023) movie review 

Let me just say that I was never a huge Eli Roth fan. He is generally successful with his movies so he is not an incompetent director. However, this is a man who makes movies that are usually extremely childish, have some of the worst characters out there, and has some really gross violence in every movie he makes. With that in mind, this movie is not any different. It has paper thin character, lots of violence, and every other word is “fuck” or the variation of it. 

In terms of the movie, it had a strong opening. However, once we are introduced to the main characters, we quickly learn they are absolutely insufferable. Even the main character is borderline annoying. It is very obvious that they are there to be killed and not much else. In that regard, why give them personalities? Just say they are jocks, cheerleaders, popular kids,etc. That is enough. However, if you keep it this simple, the audience will not have anybody to relate to or cheer on. One could say you don’t need it in horror movies, but to me it makes it more enjoyable. It makes it fun to root for a hero. In this case I rooted for a killer. 

One thing the movie does not shy from is violence. Here you will see a lot of bloody violence. Things like stabbings, decapitation, cutting people in half, corn holders through ears, etc. Every single one of these kills is shown in gruesome detail. This is one thing that Roth does well. He knows that this type of movie needs to have a lot of violence and he delivers what fans want. The problem is that violence is one aspect of the movie. If you fail on everything else, the movie does not have substance to stand on. If it does not stand, it will be very forgettable. 

I got to give credit to Roth for making this movie. It is based on the “Grindhouse” fake trailer he made in 2007. Fans wanted to see the free version and he  delivered. A lot of the scenes from the fake trailer are found in this movie. 

If you like annoying characters getting killed one by one in bloody ways, this movie is for you. 

Thanks for reading my Thanksgiving (2023) movie review 

Categories: Movie Reviews