The Babysitter is a 2017 American teen comedy horror film directed by McG. After a young boy decides to stay up to see what his babysitter is up to, his entire life turns upside down by what he witnesses. The Babysitter (2017) movie review

The Babysitter (2017) movie poster

Going into it, you realize the movie might be about a typical bullied kid who gets help from a really hot older friend and while that is true in this case, it turns out to be much more. Once the evening becomes a nightmare, the carnage starts. While there isn’t a lot of it, some of the kills are pretty violent with copious amounts of blood being thrown everywhere. Some kills are not violent and not a single one of them is surprising. It’s like a slasher movie, you know everybody but one person will survive. You’re just waiting to see how most of them will go out. However, in this case I didn’t mind it as much because about half of the characters are generally enjoyable. 

I said half as some of the babysitter’s friends are annoying as all hell, especially the girl crying about her messed up boob. I didn’t like her and he was not funny – imagine a valley girl who is stuck about whining about the most mundane thing she finds “wrong” in her life. That was her whole personality. Others like the babysitter, the boy (and his girl friend), the jock, and even to a certain extent the over the top bully were somewhat unique. Their diolgue was bad but the jock at least appears like a big brother to the boy. Well, before taunting him and trying to kill him. He gives the boy advice and even seems to respect him a bit. The bully, as generic as he is, seems to have fun pretending to have a connection with the boy. 

The rest of the movie was pretty generic but it never overstays its welcome. It moves at a good pace and while it is predictable, it does feel watchable since a good amount of the characters are good (not original though). With the majority of the movie people running around and killing each other, this is not breaking down any barriers in terms of originality. However, the boy is smart so at least we get to see him using his brain to outsmart somebody. The acting is solid, but the babysitter’s friends are definitely over the top. Some turned it up to 10 in terms of hammy acting and cheesy dialogue. Again, just there to increase the body count so you don’t have to feel like you should care. 

Overall the movie is cliche, bloody, stupidly acted, and pretty fun to watch. It never feels like it is dragging and the humor can sometimes be spot on. However, most of the time it feels like a 13 year old who smoked some weed wrote it. The actual motivation behind the actions of the babysitter’s friends could have been explained more. Also, how one can clean up a house in such a short time after so much blood being spilled. However no movie has ever been concluded without a single plot hole, so this one is not an exception. This is a brainless movie and it definitely is FUN. 

Thanks for reading my The Babysitter (2017) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews