The Burrowers is a 2008 Western horror film written and directed by J. T. Petty which is based on a short film ( Blood Red Earth) also directed by Petty. Below is my short The Burrowers (2008) movie review

The Burrowers (2008) movie poster

The movie follows a rescue party that encounters underground creatures attacking a town. At first everyone is blaming the Native American tribe for sneaking up on them and terrorizing them, but they soon find out that the reality is far more terrifying. As the film progresses, people start dropping off like flies with culprits disappearing as fast as they appear. Everyone is living on the edge but they try to keep calm but sharing stories and generally joking around to keep the mood up for the sake of everybody. 

However, many reviewers have already pointed out that ebsdieds the creatures, the movie is kind of dull. Nonel of the characters are very interesting, with scarcely any of them having any deep development for the viewers to care about them. They are more seen as disposable acquaintances who will eventually get killed, you just don’t know when. Besides that, the creatures themselves are cool looking. Sometimes they are CGI’d but most of the time when they are up close, they look good. However, the CGI is used sparingly so it is not very noticable to an average movie watcher. 

The action is also used sparingly so the movie can have a good balance between people’s drama as well as creature action. Perhaps this is done due to limited budget or perhaps to keep us on our toes as death and gore could happen at any point. It could be any number of reasons but it does give us a tease that leaves us wanting more. However, at the end we do get to see more of the creatures as they square off against the survivors. 

Overall the movie is good but not great. The characters are ok but there are a lot of stereotypical personalities. Plenty of racial morality these characters exhibit as well. The creatures are also good but they do have a few scenes where CGI is quite obvious. If you don’t mind that, there is a lot of gore and violence that will keep you entertained

Thanks for reading my The Burrowers (2008) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews