The Call is a 2013 American psychological thriller crime film directed by Brad Anderson and starring  Halle Berry as Jordan Turner, a 9-1-1 operator, Abigail Preslin as Casey Welson and Michael Eklund as Michael Foster. The Call (2013) movie review

The Call (2013) movie poster

For the most part, this movie was great. Jordan is a happy 9-1-1 operator that does a really good job helping people. She tries her best not to make anything she hears personal as that would devastate her. After she goes through a tough situation with one of the calls, she tries to move on. However, she gets sucked into another call coming from Casey Welson. She becomes involved in the call and spends a big portion of the movie yelling into the phone. I think Halle Berry does a fantastic job portraying a devastated character who still has a lot of fight in her. She is a good actress and she gets very emotional. Even though one of the rules of the operators is not to make anything you hear personal. 

 Throughout the movie, Casey and Jordan talk on the phone and find ways to leave breadcrumbs for police to find. This was done well considering the limited amount of items Casey had in the trunk to play with. On top of this we see Michael trying to drive as fast as possible without bringing any unnecessary attention to himself. Speaking of Micheal, he is obviously disturbed, but in a way where he is not always in control. Most killers tend to be very methodical and plan for every situation while Micheal is this nervous guy who most of the time acts on a whim without thinking of consequences. It made him appear like a new character who has a flow that will eventually be used to bring him down. I don’t think this is a fresh take on a killer, but a bit different than what I usually see. 

The ending was predictable but that’s OK. We almost never see the bad guy win in movies, so this time is no different. Overall a good watch. Very limited locations and a lot of screaming and crying in the movie. Acting was good, the pacing was good, and the overall story was not too original but it was developed well enough that it is worth a watch. Halle Berry is great in this. Anyway, the movie is intense and had me on the end of my seat for most of the time. 

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