The Deep House (2021) is a mystery/horror movie directed by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury. It stars Camille Rowe (as Tina) and James Jagger (as Ben). They are Youtube influencers who find an underwater house that turns out to be haunted. Below is my The Deep House (2021) movie review

The movie itself has a unique premise and many people expected it to be one of the must see movies of 2021. However, somewhere in the 90 min, the scares fizzled out and the ending didn’t stick with most people. 

When we are introduced to the couple, they are very believable together and have decent chemistry. The dialogue is nothing special, just talk about how this underwater house might be a gold mine for their channel. Nothing special about the couple until they do the dive and start to experience some creepy stuff. It probably takes at least 20 min until we see anything of interest. This is a lot considering the movie is just over 90 min with credits. 

Anyway, once they get into the water they start exploring the house. From the rusty outside to the eerie inside that seems to be undisturbed and stuck in time, the movie really sets up a creepy atmosphere. A lot of questions are thrown at us at how such an old house can be in a great condition, but this is not paid much attention to. The guy throws around a possible answer to this and moves on. Majority of the movie is going from one room to another with few creepy things happening and the characters trying not to freak out. 

In my opinion, where the movie succeeds is showing us a claustrophobic setting where creepy things are happening and the characters trying not to freak out as their air slowly depletes. It slowly builds up and the panic really sets in towards the end as escape becomes less likely to happen with each passing minute. The characters acted in a believable way and didn’t come off as unlikable. On the other hand, having lackluster ending, characters that were not well developed, and the story that needed more details regarding what the house is all about is where the movie falls short.

It is not a bad movie, but rather doesn’t warrant a 2nd viewing. This is due to lack of many details to look out for. We also couldn’t see much of our characters and their reactions to what is happening. This loses a sense of us, the viewers, being connected to them. Most of it is grunts, cries, and panicked breathing for the majority of the movie. One can also say that the rules of the house were not properly established and the overall horror aspect was not as satisfying as one expects. 

Is this movie worth watching? Yes it is. While it is not perfect, it does have few genuine scares and a good eerie atmosphere. However, the story is not developed as much as most people expected and the ending is a bit disappointing. The movie is also shot in a way that resembles shaky cam, which can make or break the movie. To me it didn’t ruin it as the movie follows people stuck in a really stressful environment. Overall, a decent watch but nothing groundbreaking.

Thanks for reading my The Deep House (2021) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews