The Loved Ones (2009) is an Australian horror comedy film directed by Sean Byrne. It stars Xavier Samuel (playing Brent Mitchell) and Robin McLeavy (playing Lola “Princess” Stone). We also have Lola’s father Daddy Stone (played by John Brumpton) and Bren;s girlfriend Holly (played by Victoria Thaine). My The Loved Ones (2009) movie review is below

The Loved ones movie poster

The movie follows Brent participating in a demented party when he declines Lola’s offer to attend a school dance. Is starts off innocently enough but as things progress, it becomes clear that nothing will stand between Lola and her perfect night. With a help of her father, Lola becomes completely obsessed with Brent and her want to control him goes well beyond anything considered normal. Besides Brent’s imprisonment, there are other story lines that are crammed in for good measure but they are not that interesting. 

The movie doesn’t just focus on grossing us out with graphic violence. It also gives us some comedic elements that go well with a protagonist that has a strong will to survive. He has a troubled background, but now has this need to show off that he is over his past. Xavier Samuel does  great job in showing us this fragile young man who decides to fight for his survival. It shows his growth in character during a time of extreme stress. We want him to get away because he deserves another chance at life. 

Mcleavy does a fantastic job in portraying a demented young woman with a need to fix anybody she sees “broken”. She views Brent as her toy. She is damaged, but she also has a support of her father who want his princess to be happy. The whole family is messed up, which is why many people have said this movie can be viewed as a weird blend of movies such as Pretty in Pink (1986), Misery (1990) and even Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). The use of pink color, a disco ball, and Lola’s calm demeanor in what she believes is normal behavior really sets this movie apart from many others. The movie doesn’t look cheap and the atmosphere is so unsettling, reminiscent of a veteran director not a man that is making his first full length movie. 

Whatever you do, DON’T WATCH THE TRAILER. It spoils the entire movie. If you have to watch it, watch it up to a 1:00 minute point, not a second longer. 

With a length of less than 90 minutes, this movie is a great example of a good story told right. It has good and bad characters that are all balanced in a right way. However, it also has a hammer, rusty fork, syringe, and a power drill used in a way that will gross out people who don’t like bloody violence. 

Thank you for reading my The Loved Ones (2009) movie review.

Categories: Movie Reviews