The Menu (2022) is a horror comedy directed by Mark Mylod. It deals with a bunch of people who are invited to a fancy dinner on an island only to find out there is no way to escape it. 

Below is my my The Menu (2022) movie review 

When we are introduced to the characters we see a lot of them are unlikable. They all have a different backstory, but it does not matter. We identify with the main character Margot the most because she is like most of us. She is a fish out of water, surrounded by rich people who always crave the next big thing. They don’t sit and enjoy their meals, they find things to complain about. They don’t live in the moment, they complain about what is presented in front of them and ask for something more. 

The Chef here is the star of the movie. He is a charismatic cult like leader of his kitchen. He strives for perfection and despises those who don’t meet his standard. As the movie progresses we see that he is struggling to bring perfection to people who are ultimately empty inside. They all have money but their relationships to each other are empty and lack any meaningful sustenance.This brings up a point on whether we should care about any of them?

In short, no. These are not good people. They care about money and even when they get enough of it they seem to be bored and entitled. We know what will happen to them and when they find out they beg for reconsideration which can’t be arranged with their worthless money. Ultimately they are forced to accept their nature and the things that are coming their way. 

The people in this movie are similar to millennials who care more about what others think of them rather than living in the moment and making experiences last and be memorable. In the movie there is a character that knows the fate of those who are going to the island yet still chooses to go to win some empty recognition from the Chef. 

Overall the movie is pretty good with some comedic overtones. It is almost likely a parody of itself where characters are just short of being laughably unlikable. The setting is great and everybody did a solid job with what they are given, even the really unlikable ones. Everybody is a bad person but they have a tough time admitting it. Their judgment is clouded by their ego and prestige. Even the food itself is absurdly slow and pretentious, which evokes such a strong reaction from the rich folks. No enjoyment, just judgment. 

Thanks for reading my The Menu (2022) movie review 

Categories: Movie Reviews