The Sadness (2021) is a horror movie written and directed by Rob Jabbaz. It deals with a pandemic that turns people’s worst impulses into reality. This leads to violence and mayhem. Below is my short The Sadness (20210 movie review

It only takes 15 minutes before things really start to get crazy and bloody. Then we see bunch of bloody murders, people acting crazy and even acts of sexual assault. The people who are crazy are also fast and can hear really well. This makes it hard to hide from them and even protect yourself from their superhuman strength. 

After these scenes are done and the main character finds herself in a hospital full of people, things really stall. Not much happens after this point that is considered either new or interesting. Most of it is quite predictable considering the movie is about people killing each other to a bloody pulp. There is one scene in the hospital that a lot of people found disturbing but it’s not bad to a regular horror fan.

The Sadness (2021) movie still

This movie is all about shock. It focuses on disturbing imagery to show humans are violent individuals only held back by their urge that is controllable as well as societal laws. One character says that the victims need to suffer for the infected to get off. This is one of the reasons why they don’t attack each other. 

The characters in this movie are pretty bland. There is nothing special about them and their actions are not really memorable. The setting is mainly confined to a hospital and an apartment building. This means that every fight scene covers walls and floors with blood and carnage. This is mainly done in a practical (and sometimes comical) fashion. One scene has kids slamming a guy’s junk on a barbed wire post. 

On top of things like I mentioned above, there are people getting stabbed, their neck being bitten (A LOT of gore here), nose being bitten off, man’s face being destroyed with fire extinguisher, woman’s eye gored with umbrella, and a bunch more. The director has very little CGI as he wanted to be more practical. 

Thanks for reading my The Sadness (20210 movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews