The Witch: Part 2 – The Other One is an action thriller movie directed by Park Hoon-jung. Following the first movie, a girl wakes up in a laboratory and is taken care of by a friend. Her friend is then attacked by a gang of people with superpowers. Below is my The Witch: Part 2 (2022) – The Other One movie review

This movie is nowhere close to being as good as the first one. While it is bloody and has a lot of action, it feels very bloated and boring at the same time. Whether it is the Korean and Australian buddy team that don’t have great chemistry or endless filler scenes, the movie feels like it drags. This movie is 2 hours and 17 minutes long. A lot of scenes could have been cut out and it would not affect the overall story at all. 

Compared to the first, the action in this one is not as good. Everything is jerky, sped up, or has some really terrible CGI. Remember, this movie has flying people that dodge bullets. Think of it as when Superman flies but his moves are very sudden and constantly change speed. It makes it hard to understand and see what is going on. The people with power are all over the place. Their strengths and weaknesses are not well developed. One moment they can be stabbed once in the neck and shrug it off while the next, three stabs and they are dead. 

the witch part 2 movie still

I was not aware that they can be killed. All of them act invincible and it is hard to distinguish who is the most powerful. They constantly taunt each other and to me it gets really repetitive and boring. I am well aware that this is just my opinion, not a fact. We also have a lot of characters that not only look similar but also have similar powers that makes it hard to keep up on who they are. 

Overall the movie is chaotic and disjointed. The script is not as good and has a lot of characters that are useless and not well developed. The CGI is a mess. Sometimes it is good while at other times it is worse than 90s CGI. The action is decent but it does get ruined by some terrible CGI. There is a good amount of action and gore which is similar to the first movie. 

I understand this is my opinion but this movie is nowhere as good as the first. It seems very bloated and unnecessary. Do yourself a favor and watch the original. Here’s my review of it (The Witch: Part 1 – Subversion)

Thanks for reading my The Witch: Part 2 (2022) – The Other One movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews