There’s Something in the Barn is a 2023 horror comedy directed by Magnus Martens. It deals with an American family who inherits a barn/house in Norway filled with elves. Below is my There’s Something in the Barn (2023) movie review
When we are introduced to the American family, they are a little hesitant about living in an isolated cabin. Everybody but the father, that is. He sees a lot of potential in it and they go and talk to locals about their stay there. Soon the locals inform them that the place is “cursed”. The son also finds out why but nobody believes him. Of course that is a big cliche in horror movies or movies in general. You also got town people who are a bit creepy and looking at them in a wrong way as they know the history of their new place.
A good portion of the movie revolves around the family drama. They bicker, complain, pout, etc and it all revolves around their situation. You have a mom who doesn’t feel like she fits in a family, a son who nobody believes, a daughter who does not want to be there, and a dad who thinks everybody is overreacting. Besides a few creepy moments, the elves are not shown in the movie a lot. They take a back seat to this family drama. However, at the end of the movie, all hell breaks loose. There is a lot of fighting and even some bloody carnage.
At the end of the movie, the elves attack the house. There is a lot of fighting going on as the family fights back. All of it is practical but there is not an abundance of blood. However, some of the rules of elves do not make much sense. For example, they don’t like loud noise but they are seen as partying and having fun. There is also repetitive humor, awkward moments, rushed character development, etc. It is a short movie, but family drama could have been more tight and developed.
In the end, this movie does not really have horror elements to it. It is about a family fighting little people with beards. Besides their unique language (pure gibberish BTW), they are not scary. They go against the family as they are encroaching on their barn and making a lot of noise. Sure there are a bunch of kills at the end, but I really was not having much fun. The jokes are old and repetitive and the violence varies from very bloody to smacking elves on the head with a stick.
Thanks for reading my There’s Something in the Barn (2023) movie review