Transpecos is a 2016 American thriller film directed by Greg Kwedar. It stars  Johnny Simmons (as Benjamin), Gabriel Luna (As Lance), and Clifton Collins, Jr (as Lou). The whole movie is about three Border Patrol agents working a remote desert checkpoint who stop a car and its contents snowballs an insidious plot within their own ranks. Please see my Transpecos (2016) movie review below

Transpecos (2016) movie poster

All of the actors did a solid job acting and propelling the story forward. There is a good amount of slow moments that don’t do much in terms of helping the story, but this is understandable as the story takes place in an isolated desert setting – not much to do around but sweat. You also got some dumb moments such as taking sacred object that symbolizes bad luck and something bad happening to you. On top of this you will probably ask yourself quite a few times why characters did what they did. However, most of it is done because they are facing an issue that is hard to fix and they have very limited time as well as chances to do “trial and error” type of investigating. 

Many people have mentioned that this movie gets slow towards the end. Feels like the director didn’t know whether to go big and involve the cartel or to keep it small. Maybe have the cartel be this presence in the background that keeps an eye on our characters. Lance acted like he wanted to to take them on like one person represents an entire cartel empire. It felt a bit ridiculous.

Considering the ending of the movie, it becomes even stupider that he thought he is the big dog in this game. Perhaps this is some type of commentary on how men are powerless against people who run a cartel or how an average man just wants to be good and help those they care about, even when it means their freedom is compromised (see immigrant scene). I don’t really know what was the main point of the movie. 

Overall the movie is not bad. It has solid acting, good cinematography, and decent scene progression. However, it lacks some development in terms of characters. It has very little action and has some really questionable actions on behalf of main characters. It also feels pointless at times. This movie is shot in a hand held format so many scenes like talking feel way too shaky. It makes it look like the director wanted the movie to be non stop dramatic. He just didn’t know how to back it up with intense scenes. 

This movie is worth a watch if you are a movie watcher who doesn’t poke holes stories and doesn’t mind limited action. Also, the trailers show most of the action and intense scenes. 

Thanks for reading my Transpecos (2016) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews