Unhinged (2020) is an action thriller movie directed by Derrick Borte. It follows a woman and her son who become the target of an unstable man on the road. 

Below is my Unhinged (2020) movie review

Unhinged (2020) movie poster

The premise is as simple as it gets. Woman gets angry at a man who cuts her off and she becomes his next victim. He goes off and starts following her around as she desperately tries to shake him off. Unfortunately he tails her everywhere she goes and goes completely insane in trying to track her. 

The movie starts off with Tom Cooper (played by Russell Crowe) committing a crime and walking away from it expressionless. The next day he meets Rachel (played by Caren Pastorious) as she is trying to get through rush hour traffic. After a brief exchange, he becomes visibly upset and starts to follow her around. The rest of the story is him tailing her from place to place and committing more and more crimes. 

After a while Rachel becomes terrified as the man becomes more and more violent. A lot of the scenes were very intense and uncomfortable. The man is visibly terrifying and has no qualms on who he will hurt next. The rest of the movie becomes an endless game of cat and mouse with a bunch of violence thrown into the mix. As the movie progresses, the violence gets pretty graphic. 

Russel does a fantastic job playing a lunatic that he is fed up with the world. His background as well as Caren’s could have been more flushed out and developed, but we know enough about them to get why they behave the way they do. By the end we don’t really get to know them much better. One is a maniac and the other is a woman who is down on her luck and trung to keep those around her safe. 

This is the type of movie that has a simple premise yet most of us have at some point experienced or witnessed road rage. It is not recommended for one to get involved but as this movie points out, sometimes you get pulled into it nonetheless. With good acting, decent chase scenes, and plenty of kills, the movie surprisingly keeps it fresh. It is only 90 min long and it never feels like it is dragging. Of course, plenty of scenes are a bit cliche but not too cliche that it drags you out of enjoying the movie. If nothing else is on your list, give this one a try! 

Thanks for reading my Unhinged (2020) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews