Unwelcome (2023) is a horror movie directed by Jon Wright. It stars Hannah John-Kamen as Maya and Douglas Booth as Jamie. It deals with a couple who after an accident move to a house that has murderous goblins in their garden. Below is my Unwelcome (2023) movie review

Unwelcome (2023) movie poster

When we are introduced to the couple they are excited as they are expecting their first child. After getting attacked in their home they get a house far away to experience a more tranquil way of life. The neighbors are very friendly and everything but one thing is perfect. That one thing is the belief that the locals have about leaving food for the Red Caps as they are called. These are goblins that live near their home. 

As they hire a family to renovate their home, people start to act creepy. These people go through their customers’ belongings as well as steal some money. One of the workers even finds a vibrator, smells it, and even licks it. Weird folks indeed. However, they are introduced at the same time as the goblins, which play an equal role in the movie. 

The goblins are a few feet tall, skinny and armed with little knives. They are fast and will attack those that they find to be a threat. They are brought to life by using false perspective with little actors having animatronic heads on them. The expressions are mainly done with CGI motion capture. Overall they were done well for such a “cheap” movie and their attacks were surprisingly brutal, especially towards the end. There was a good amount of blood and a decent amount of kills. 

In terms of character they were all just fine. Everybody did a solid job with what they were given. The setting itself is OK but since it takes place mostly in an old house, there was nothing unique about it. In terms of the story, most of it is very uneventful. It deals with a couple renovating their new house and a few creepy things happening to them. Towards the end things get more interesting but the movie is a slow burn that might lose a lot of people. There is a ton of yelling, arguing, walking, and overall talking involved here. 

Is the movie good? Yes, overall it is good. Besides it being slow at times and kind of boring, the characters were good, the setting was solid, and the goblins were weird looking but at the same time were brutal in their attacks. The cinematography is also solid (even if most of the time it looks dark and gloomy). They call that summer in Ireland. The ending was weird and a bit unpredictable but it is not bad. Go watch it. 

Thanks for reading my Unwelcome (2023) movie review

Categories: Movie Reviews