You’ll Never Find Me (2023) is a thriller movie directed by Josiah Allen and Indianna Bell. It deals with a lonely man taking in a woman during a nasty storm. As the storm progresses both of the characters become very untrustworthy. Below is my short You’ll Never Find Me (2023) movie review
At first, this movie starts off really well. We meet a lonely man in a trailer who gets a visit from a soaking wet woman during a thunderstorm. As she slowly gets courage to walk in and out of the storm, the man tries to get her trust. He helps her get into some dry clothing, gives her a drink, and gives her food. Understandably she is uneasy but also knows she has nowhere else to go.
Thus this scene begins a back and forth between the man and the woman. They try to learn from each other in order to become more comfortable around each other. We, the audience, do not know who is bad and who is good. At one point the woman also comes off as somebody who has something to hide. The man, big, with a deep voice, also seems sketchy but not in the obvious way. He suggests things like waiting out the storm, but it does not mean that he is evil. He does say a lot of stuff in a creepy way though.
Anyway, that is literally what the movie is about. Set in a trailer, there is a constant bickering between the characters. It goes on until the end when the woman starts to uncover more about the good samaritan. Not going to spoil it, but this is also where the movie takes a different turn into an odd territory. Based on your viewing expectations, it could mean this will either ruin the movie for you because it was predictable, or it will elevate it as the twist becomes a gut punch for us. Either way, many reviewers seem to agree with me that this was a weak point of the movie.
To me the end was a wasted potential. That is not to say the overall movie was bad. In fact, the movie has some great acting and the cinematography was great. However, it was way too predictable. Some viewers can ignore it as the movie has a bit of a social commentary regarding trust in strangers. However, even at 90 min the movie felt too long and the reveal was nothing special. It had a lot of potential but it never fully utilized it.
Thanks for reading my You’ll Never Find Me (2023) movie review