Yummy (2019) is a horror comedy movie filled with gore and zombies. It is directed by Lars Damoiseaux. The movie is about a plastic surgery hospital that becomes overflown with the walking dead. Below is Yummy (2019) movie review

Yummy (2019) movie poster

At the beginning of the movie, we are introduced to a couple who travel to Eastern Europe for breast reduction surgery. When they get there, the people are acting creepy and it gets pretty obvious that there is something weird going on in the hospital. In no time they get trapped there and have to fight their way out. As the movie is only 90 min with credits, things start to go south pretty fast. 

As the movie progresses, we get quite a few scenes of violence and gore. Some are shown while others are implied and the aftermath is shown. However, the zombies in the movie are as plain as humanly possible. While they do chew on others and showcase some gore, they are very generic. In fact  you can put them in any other zombie movie and they would fit right in. The movie also relies on grossing everybody out by slathering the characters in as many fluids as possible. 

For example, one of the main characters is afraid of blood and you know exactly what will happen after he sees it. Another is a set up that ends up in a man setting his penis on fire. He plays around with it and it manages to set it on fire. There are also a bunch of women objectifying and damsel in distress moments. This is standard in these types of movies. Also the good ol’ cliche of “all bad guys are rapists”. 

Perhaps I didn’t find the movie as fun so it is up to you to make the final call. I just might not be a big fan of gross humor that is disguised as horror comedy. Other than that the pacing is fine, the dialogue is just OK, and the setting is not used as well as I hoped. 

Again, the penis scene is REALLY GRAPHIC. Not only does the guy handle it but we have plenty of scenes where it is shown in a lot of details. 

Thanks for reading my Yummy (2019) movie review.

Categories: Movie Reviews